Review of Inception

Inception (2010)
the most complete grand-scale entertainment movie ever.............
20 July 2010
Without exaggeration,i can say I had never waited for anything in my life like i waited for Inception.I was keeping update of every single development and news about the movie,i can say i was getting hysterical ,and the reasons are quite clear as both my favorite actor and director of my generation ,Leonardo Di Caprio and Christopher Nolan come together ,my favorite newcomer actors Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon Lewitt they are all together in one movie,it is like a dream come true and the movie itself explores the world of Dreams,the boundless world of dreams where you are free from any limitation of real world to imagine and create anything you want.It is action,sci-fi,romance,you find everything here,every grand scale entertainment that we experience from watching different movies brought in a single movie(as Chris Nolan said),a movie we all dreamt about and Christopher Nolan made it real.

When the movie released and after reading dozens of reviews,i came to decision that i will not see this movie till the hypes get over so that i could make own point-of-view on the movie.But i was unable to control myself.Now,the movie has released in my city,the dubbed version actually,in Hindi and they also renamed it in Hindi as "Chakravyuha" which means "Labyrinth" which also seemed quite sensible to me.The dubbing was perfect,with brilliant translation and synchronization, and the selection of voices for actors were also fantastic.In short,they didn't spoiled the movie like they did to Harry Potter and Avatar .We watched the movie in empty cinema hall(there were only 40-50 peoples present in the capacity of 300) which was not surprising for me,as no one care much about Christopher Nolan movies here,except few movie aficionados like me.

Watching Inception was the experience like seeing a miracle from you own eyes ,a entertainment for your mind, body and soul.This movie satisfied me completely from every point of view,like i said before this movie is a complete package,this movie makes us think deeply and explores subconscious of human mind and make us realize the power of it.The completely original and personal work of Christopher Nolan with some inevitable influences of other movies like Matrix but this doesn't make this movie unoriginal ,the idea of traveling into the subconscious of human's mind and steal his idea or even seeding an idea in his subconscious is completely new,mind-blowing and ground-breaking concept,the brilliant action and chasing sequences maintained adrenalin rush in your body,and also a very heart-touching love story that doesn't seemed out-of-place but the vital part of the movie.This brilliant concept get the full support from Warner Bros. who can take such a high risk and give full freedom to their director,grand scale production which made the sets and special effects looks so real. Brilliant performances from every single cast as they were portraying the beautifully created characters with such depth that made their work very challenging.The soundtrack of the movie is mesmerizing and added great feel to the movie.

Inception may not be the best,may not be the most perfect and flawless movie ever made but certainly it is the most complete grand scale entertainment movie,so far.
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