The Client List (2010 TV Movie)
A Waste of Time
20 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard Jennifer Love Hewitt discussing this film, I was intrigued. But this film was so boring, I fell asleep. The struggles of her family due to the mortgage crisis and being misled by the bank is an issue that should have been explored more. Her time would have been better spent becoming an advocate for other unwitting Americans to avoid that kind of demise in the future. Even though that storyline may not have gone along with the purpose of the story, it was one of the main reasons why she went into prostitution, so it would have been a valid plot line to expand upon.

Her husband becomes injured, so can't work in his normal role. He's looking for other work and eventually finds it, but in the meantime, they have themselves and two children to support.

I came from a working class poor larger family myself, and while it was challenging, I can't imagine my mother resorting to prostitution. So maybe I watched this movie with a bit of bias.

I wanted to like this movie, because I feel there is such a lack of good story lines for women in entertainment. This one was no different. It pandered to the male fantasy of women as sex servants. There she is, performing sex acts of all kinds with mostly strange, ugly, fat guys, then her husband is chastising her for being late to her son's ball game, and even worse, she is exhausted, but expected to service her husband sexually, as well. It was heartbreaking to watch this movie on many levels. It actually made me very grateful that I am not in that position and never will be. It also reminded me that there are worse things than being alone: having to be her in that situation is one of them. And it doesn't matter how loving her husband or kids were.

I was never a fan of "Pretty Woman" for the blatant way that it glamorized prostitution (the original screenplay of which was realistic and gritty) - and this movie is no better. There is nothing glamorous about prostitution. Nearly every woman involved in it eventually leaves it and tells the truth: it's degrading and humiliating. Perhaps not every john is awful, but the stark reality is that many men pay for sex so that they can do things to women that they wouldn't have the guts to suggest to any decent woman, wife or girlfriend. That's why they're paying. And it is a harsh reality that many men who pay for women generally feel they have the right to do whatever turns them on. No matter how degrading or filthy it may happen to be.

I would have hoped that this film would explore some of that and be truthful. But instead, it sugarcoated the world of prostitution, glorifying it rather than exposing it for what it really is. Shame on the writer, Lifetime and Jennifer Love Hewitt. She's proved to be even more delusional than she has been in the past, if she thinks she can hold her head up high after doing this piece of crap.
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