Wild Guitar (1962)
20 Things I learned from "Wild Guitar".
8 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
1. Girls in the 60s went for guys with incredibly bad hair.

2. Guys in the 60s went for women who looked 20 years older than them.

3. Movies can be about rockstars trying to make it big and have but only TWO performances of the protagonist's songs.

4. Managers don't sign musicians, instead they "handle" them.

5. The best way to perform a love ballad about your loved one on live TV is to be on a weird looking platform and have some stripper dancing around in the background.

6. And speaking of the aforementioned love ballad, the best way of writing a song about your loved one is to repeat that person's name for half the song.

7. TV studio security sucked back in the 60s (how the protagonist's girlfriend ran into the studio at 10 PM at night... WTF???) 8. No rockstar movie is complete without a hit-man subplot.

9. Guys will suddenly start skating good when a girl shows off how good she is.

10. You can run away from a groupie and somehow strangely end up back in the same room she first started creeping you out in.

11. No love story is complete without the girl walking in on a guy being kissed by another girl.

12. The softest kidnappers EVER go for the musician.

13. Musicians apparently WANT to be kidnapped (Stockholm Syndrome much?) 14. The best excuse for #11 is that it was a publicity stunt...

15. ...and the excuse in #14 totally works on a girl.

16. Managers act like it's the end of the world when you tell them you're firing them.

17. Telling the manager you're firing them will result in a fight scene that goes on for WAY too long.

18. Musicians can fight. Good.

19. No musician movie is complete without a music video!!! 20. Thankfully there will NEVER be a rockstar movie like this one again!
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