Contempt (1963)
14 August 2010
Before watching this film, its notable fame has overcame me already (considered as one of Godard's best work), plus it is Bardot's peak of perfection (unfortunately this has been my first time to see Bardot's film, so no comparison available). With a prostrate attitude, I thought it would be difficult not to love this film.

Now, time passes and I have just finished the film, my feeling is beyond expression, but I will try to make my effort. Firstly I haven't read Odyssey (though I know the story), nevertheless it won't hurt too much to understand the story as there never request a pass check before watching a film (for example, you don't have to read the novel before watching REVOLUTIONARY ROAD [2008]). A great film should impress audience with different backgrounds, it should be considered as an inner attribute. However from this level, the film suffers from being a little bit over-bourgeois, because the Chinese subtitles I watched are not so accurate to match its original meaning, and one cannot blame them as we all know it's French (the same reason I cannot fully enjoy RIDICULE [1996]), which allures me to consider it as my next foreign language after Italian. Interestingly the misinterpretation is also a picturesque part in the film itself.

It is more like a theatrical work, for a play maybe as only 5 characters in total including the honorable FRITZ LANG himself. There seems no doubt that the story is a modern-style Odyssey, the tension between a candied couple is so vulnerable, one single behavior could bring out the extinguishment all in a sudden. Maybe man is stupid while woman is moody (plus stupid maybe), after watching the film I intrepidly assume that maybe contempt actually is the catalyst between to keep these two incompatible creatures altogether. Again I assume that subconsciously most couples in the world accept his or her contempt towards his or her other half, which does help to make oneself feel better, functions like a placebo, as sometimes it is difficult to survive in this mundane world. In the film on the contrary the contempt separates the couple forever with a ridiculous ending as they fail to accommodate the intermingled contempt, the ambiguity implies that the perhaps unpredictability is the most interesting part of being a human.

The cinematography is as wonderful as Bardot's body, not to mention the stupendously beautiful view of Capri Island, as I am in Italy now, it would be a great idea to visit there with my significant other.
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