Bleasdales lesser known masterpiece
17 August 2010
It's all too easy to create drama by unreal events, you see this every day on TV - car chases, explosions, shootouts and so on. Bleasdale doesn't need these gimmicks, his magic is to highlight the drama that exists in all our lives. We have all seen how nasty sibling rivalry can get, the temptations to stray from marriage, great weight being made of thoughtless words and the jokes that go wrong. This is the stuff that touches us all and it is the thread from which Bleasdale, the master plot weaver, creates his dramas.

Bleasdfales "Boys from 'The Black Stuff'" was a great series that has become a British TV icon. 'GBH' also made a great mark. But, for me, 'Jakes Progress' is his masterpiece. Maybe it is just because I can relate to the Diadoni family better than I can relate to Chrissie, Yosser etc from 'The Black Stuff', but I'm sure millions of other people can. What I do know is that this is great, riveting drama that will draw on all your emotions. Where is it all going to end up? Just like real life, we don't know.
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