Inner Sanctum (1948)
There are kernels of a good story, but there are too many plot problems to make it worth seeing.
5 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I old B-movies--particularly anthology horror films like the Whistler series. So, when I found this particular film, I was pretty excited. And, while the film starts off pretty good (with a nice creepy intro), it bogs down with plot problems and holes that could have been worked out with a decent editing and re-write.

The film begins with an obnoxious lady on a train talking with a weird old guy with psychic powers. He can see the future and the lady, at first, doesn't believe him. However, after his little predictions come true, he then tells her a tale about a nasty woman who is killed due to her nastiness--an obvious allusion to this woman! I liked this, as it was a warning for the woman to mind her ways...or else!

The story begins oddly, as the main character (a guy) is described as a nice, ordinary guy. However, his behaviors show that he's NOT nice nor ordinary but a sociopath! It seems this guy is engaged to a horrible woman---a woman who attacks him! In the process, she accidentally stabs herself with her nail file and dies! Hardly a normal death, but one that the guy could probably explain away to the police. Instead, however, he throws her body onto a passing train and then hopes that no one connects him to the death. This is improbable, but possible. BUT, when the guy thinks a kid can connect him to the death, he then wants to kill the kid--this is NOT the act of an ordinary guy at all! Now I must admit that this kids IS one of the more annoying ones in film history--so if the guy had killed him just for that reason, it would have been understandable!! Plus, the kid really DIDN'T see anything and there was no reason to kill him--at least not to a rational person!

So, the story seems to hinge on a guy who behaves stupidly and makes irrational decisions (more occur in the story, believe me). Had the guy really been a normal person caught up in circumstances, it really could have been a good film. As it was, it never made sense and the viewer couldn't really connect with the characters. The man was evil, the kid SUPER-annoying and the parents seemed like they were encouraging pedophilia when this strange man came to their home and they suggested he bunk with the kid!! I mean, they didn't even know the guy more than two minutes before suggesting he and the kid share the room! Creepy and nonsensical. With the basic kernel of a story, it sure should have been better. Bad writing, however, undid it.

By the way, despite the very silly hole-ridden plot, the film DID have a pretty cool ending...I've gotta give it that!
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