6 October 2010
I went to the theaters with high expectations after reading the book, which I loved. but after seeing it, i have one word Disgrace: First off, if you have read the book, do not put yourself through the slow agonizing torture of seeing this movie.(If you haven't read the book, read it and don't even bother with the movie). I mean, i can understand cutting out a few things here and there, but the director pretty much changed the whole story line. He took out some major parts in the book, like the oracle, the prophecy, Ares, four awesome battles, the titan lord,Thalia's tree, Annabeth's cap of invisibility, and Clarisse. He also added in some things that didn't appear in the first book. He changed the reason for the bolt being stolen. He changed Luke's position. Basically, this movie made me want to puke. I honestly believe Hollywood needs a reboot, because if done right, The Lightning Thief would make an awesome movie

Overall, I do not suggest anyone bother watching this crappy movie.
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