Worst thing ever made by a human being!!
20 October 2010
This "thing" shouldn't even be acknowledged as a movie. I have wasted an hour with this abomination. About that time I realized that it wasn't worth watching it because it won't get any better, only much much worse! I thought after the first 30 minutes that I may have a few good laughs of how bad it is...but no, that wasn't the case, in fact I had to cry that I've wasted an hour of my life. I could have done other useful things instead of watching this sh*t like, watching grass grow. Let's get into the movie itself now. First of all, the name...why in the hell it's even called Camp Slaughter, when you'll see more blood, gore, violence and killings in a diaper commercial?! The story is something you've already seen in tons of other horror movies, only here everything turns out very poorly. The actors are horrendous, not believable and their lines are just so dumb, even a monkey could come up with better ones. It's like the director almost ran out of time, he finished the script, decorated the sets but he was still missing the actors, so he rushed around the town giving away free 10% off coupons that can be used at a local supermarket for whoever was willing to appear in his movie. The killer in this movie is a big joke, "Bunnyman" ooh, how scary. If someone tells you the name "Bunnyman" do you honestly think it could be the name of a fearsome killer...I sure as hell don't!! It sounds more like the name of a man-whore you would find in the backs of cheap run-down brothels. By any means stay away from this movie because if you watch it, you'd want your eyes to be poked out with hot needles. As you can see, I have rated it a 1 out of 10, but even this rating honors the movie! They should start from zero or enable negative values in order to properly rate this abomination.
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