Oh no, dear boy, I've looked through a camera before
23 October 2010
This is the featurette on the DVD of Saboteur. It consists of interviews with the crew and the actor who portrayed the villain, clips of the film and stills of a very young Hitchcock(R.I.P.). They talk about his reaction to what he perceived as evil(and how it comes through in the movie), his original and unfortunately cut(by people with no sense of humor; come on, that would have been friggin' hilarious!) cameo, this in relation to the war(WW2), many of the key scenes, that one of the writers also did Rebecca(!) the practical FX(part of the statue was actually to scale!) and the cast(although the stars are barely mentioned and acknowledged at all, and I really have no idea why... what we get isn't bad, but the elephant in the room is impossible to ignore; why was this all we got?). This documentary spoils the picture itself. For a 35 and a half minute piece, this is decent enough, in spite of the glaring omission I just mentioned. It's informational and interesting, and the editing is good. There is a little violence and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to big fans of Alfred. 6/10
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