Decent but not Box Office quality (belongs on Bravo channel)
5 November 2010
This is and will be a signature piece to Tyler Perry, however it's so boring i don't know if it's worth the full 15.75 to watch it..

This movie is watchable and tolerable unlike his other rehashed, VERY cliché' flicks but it just falls down the tubes with the entertainment portion, i was bored to death, The movie is basically Waiting to Exhale, Whats love got to do with it and Precious all thrown together in a big Gumbo pot however i did enjoy Kimberly Elise acting which probably saved this entire movie from being thrown out a week into it's release. Janet Jackson, I LOVE YOU GIRL! but baby! Stop!!!!!! You cannot act! i've punished myself long enough waiting for you to have a break-thru acting role that would get you another Oscar but girl.. you've lostit.. When she cries it's like watching tear's fall from one of those baby doll toy's, they are so forced it's painful to watch.

Phlyica Rashad did a fantastic job with the poorly written portions she did have, she made due with what she had and ran with it.. put this women in more movies and give her bigger scripts!

Obviously Tyler Perry doesn't need anyone to tell him he does or does not know how to direct but he does have a lot of work to do..

I had to give this 5/10 because although there were flashes of great acting and directing it just was not worth the money.. seriously.. Wait for it to get on TV, you wont be as mad or empty when your leave.. Luckily i got to watch it for free but i saw some frustrated and confused people leaving and a lot of people just did not talk about the movie after they left out, everyone just filed out quietly and went to their car's as if they were dazed..

this movie would go well in anyone's collection if you like Black art's such as the color purple, roots, etc...
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