I gave this movie 6/10, but not because it deserves it
21 November 2010
This has to have been the most poorly acted, poorly constructed movies I have seen in my life, HOWEVER.. I was so absorbed by how bad this movie was, that I've now just watched it a second time for laughs. The script is atrocious, basically written for children ( even that's insulting this latest generation), or people who have never seen a movie before.

I did enjoy the questions, although they weren't radical or revolutionary, and for the uninitiated, I'm glad you've had the chance to have been asked these *new* questions.

If you find the questions new and interesting, you should start taking a closer look into politics, and world events.

There are no spoilers in here, except for those who were expecting a good film. But if you are intelligent, and like a drink or two with your mates, put it on and have a jolly good belly laugh!

6/10 for tragic.
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