The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010 TV Movie)
Howling nice, actually
1 December 2010
Having sat through this movie, as an adult, I have to say that "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" is actually quite surprisingly good. I had expected it to be more of a sassy family movie.

First of all, though being a Nickelodeon movie, the story was rather interesting, with just enough action and suspense to keep it all going. Sure, the movie borrows heavily on the old classic werewolf movies, but it does so in a good manner. And it is a good way for younger viewers to get introduced to the werewolves in movies.

And the cast was superb, especially Brooke Shields. She was really good in the role of Madame V, and it was actually sort of refreshing in a way to see her in a role as bizarre as this one was. Victoria Justice, in the role of Jordan Sands, was the one carrying the movie though, being the central character and all, and she did so nicely. But also hats off to Chase Ellison, playing Hunter Sands, he came off very energetic and believable in the role he was given.

The effects in the movie were actually quite good, especially for a movie of this caliber, being Nickelodeon and all. But I suspect it is because the legendary Greg Nicotero had a finger to play here. Whenever he is part of some production, it always turns out great.

Oh, and before I forget. The sets and backgrounds were awesome. There were so many small and fantastic details to everything. From the town square, to the castle, and such. I love small details in movies, and the ones in "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" actually showed there had been put a lot of effort into the production.

I think "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" actually is quite suitable for young and mature audiences alike. For the youngsters, there is a lot of action and thrills going on, and the mood is kind of brooding and dark. And for us adults, well, I thought this movie brought a light-hearted and fun take on the werewolf genre, bringing the genre out to a new audience. The story was fast paced, predictable of course, but still it kept a good pace.

I was thoroughly amused throughout the entire movie, and I am sure that it will be a hit with many younger viewers.
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