Live Action Anime... Dumb As Dirt But A Bit of Fun
4 December 2010
All I knew about this film was the phrase "cowboys VS ninjas" and that was enough to get my money! Maybe I should've done a little more research. This movie is a live action anime cartoon. Not being an anime fan didn't bode well for me or the hopes of my enjoyment. It's a crazy, yet strangely visually beautifully collection of wild and bloody cartoonish violence. Lots of floating and sword hacking but very little meaningful action. For "the best swordsmen in the world," all he does is a lot of one slash disposing of inept foes. The film is like a weird cross between Kill Bill, Barney Gumble's self made documentary from The Simpsons and an episode of Mike Myer's SNL Sprockets character Dieter. I fully expected the film to close with Myers himself running across the screen screaming, "Touch my monkey... touch him."

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