Lots of destruction to this one!
12 December 2010
This Hulk video game is better than its predecessor, but still not as good as it can be. I know the makers want to make the game challenging, but I found this one a bit to challenging on more than one occasion. This one has the Hulk capable of going to a couple of cities and doing some things that are not really in the Hulk's vast array of talents, such as running up buildings and stuff. It is fun running around destroying things, but to often the military shows up and they have some really powerful weaponry. I am sorry, but the Hulk is supposed to be the supreme powerhouse and he heals faster than Wolverine for crying out loud so it was annoying how challenging things were in this one. I want to overpower all! Instead I was constantly having trouble with the various enemies and those missions where you had to grab something and take it back to your base had me cussing up a storm. Still, overall this was a really fun game and I liked it a lot. Never won it though as Abomination proved to be just to tough for me as I tried to fight him a ton of times in a row and always fell short. Still, this game was cool and for the most part it was fun just a bit to tough for my tastes. That and it is the Hulk, I am sorry but I would rather just smash all my opponents to death!
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