Review of True Grit

True Grit (2010)
Terrible... compared to the 1969 original, it really does fall short in every way that matters
22 December 2010
Well, as a true fan of the original film, I tried to go in to this movie with a somewhat open mind but failed miserably. I simply can't judge this thing on its own without comparing it to the 1969 original and it really does fall short in every way that matters. I know Hollywood caters to the under 20 crowd but are there really that many ignorant children and/or pure Coen fans clamoring to see remakes of good films? I honestly lump this less than True Grit in with Poseidon, Pink Panther, Psycho, The Invasion, The Longest Yard, Planet of The Apes (and soon) Arthur as inferior modern re-telling of good tales. I like Jeff Bridges but his grumbling cross between Yosemite Sam and The Dude is so far below John Wayne's Oscar winning performance that it's not even funny. Believe me, I tried to at least giggle at his laughable attempt but couldn't quite summon up that emotion. I guess I had contempt going in and after sitting through it, that contempt may have grown.

(And please don't try and pass that cop out that it's an adaptation of the book and not a re-hash of a great film. It's 90% the same and a waste of time.)
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