Review of Micmacs

Micmacs (2009)
Quirky live action cartoon!
7 January 2011
'MICMACS': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the french filmmaker behind such crazy and beloved cult classic films as 'AMELIE', 'THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN', 'DELICATESSEN', 'A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT' and 'ALIEN: RESURRECTION' (his American debut, which is actually the worst of the 'ALIEN' franchise), directs and co-writes (along with his usual partner of late Guillaume Laurant) this quirky live action cartoon. Much like Jeunet's other films the movie is filled with larger than life characters caught up in bizarre and even larger than life situations. It's part whimsical fantasy, part comedy and part political commentary (somewhat oddly) but for the most part it plays out like a live action cartoon. It attempts to be an homage to the classic films of big Hollywood's glory days but it's mostly just a silly little fantasy film that looks great and is full of wonder.

Dany Boon stars as Bazil, a movie fanatic and video store clerk who's life is turned upside down one night when he's struck in the head by a stray bullet from an automobile pursuit outside his store. He survives but is told he could die at any moment from the bullet which is still lodged in his head. He's fired from his job because of the incident (I had something similar happen to me) and left homeless on the street. He then hooks up with a team of junkyard dealers, each of which has a special talent. With them he finds a home and a loving family. After discovering the two weapon manufacturers behind the creation and distribution of not only the weapon that nearly killed him but also the mine that killed his father he devises an elaborate plan to get revenge and his new family is all to eager to help.

The movie has some really positive moral messages about love and friendship and the destruction and danger of weapons of war. It's got a big heart and a positive joyous attitude but the characters are too underwritten and as fascinating as the film is visually it lacks real substance. Technically it has all the strengths of Jeunet's other works but it is a lot of style over substance. Although it's hard to become wrapped up or involved in it it's still a visual blast and entertaining in many ways, much like an 8 minute 'LOONEY TUNES' cartoon stretched into a live action film.

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