No unnecessary Villains, No useless Side-plots and the Indians learn to make an entertaining Rom-Com !!!
30 January 2011
I went to see Band Baaja Baaraat with very low expectations, especially when 90% of Indian Rom-coms have disappointed me with subplots, un- needed comedy clichés, villains and skeletal plots, and also the fact that Hollywood gives us a lot of Rom-coms each year from High School to Dysfunctional Family, we have seen it all, so I expected nothing new here, but when the movie started rolling, the realistic script, life-like characters and flawless direction lead me till the end like a ride I enjoyed a lot.

The movie has a story we have seen in many movies, but the treatment is fresh and natural.In short, its story of two middle class people who start a business as wedding planners on principle that no emotions will be involved, now as predictable as plot may seem, there are few surprises but even the predictable parts have been done with utter taste of freshness that you feel entertained. For a romantic comedy, the balance between Romance and Comedy should blend and this movie does it perfectly.

In acting department, the movie belongs to Anushka Sharma, she portrays her comic timing, dancing, emotions with perfection and dissolves in the role of Shruti, but no review is complete without mentioning the performance of débutante Ranvir Singh, whose confidence, energy and expressions held the movie together, the movie required very powerful performance from him and he delivered, in an year when star studded Anajana Anjani proved like piece of crap, Ranvir had tough task to bring people to theaters as a new-comer, but he showed the obsession towards his role. The rest of supporting cast has nothing much to do as I mentioned before sub-plots are none here, the movie totally focuses on Ranvir and Anushka.

The highest point in BBB is the treatment of the subject by director Manish Sharma, directing a first-time hero and a Genre which is very risky in India, he gave the movie a realistic touch from the word go, no un- necessary snori-cams, close-ups, beeps, its just focuses on characters and the story, Manish Sharma is a promising talent and I wish he chooses future subjects carefully and performs with the fan-base he made from this movie.

The Cinematograpghy and set designs are a-class as the movie is based on wedding planners and weddings in South Asia are all fun, the movie portrays the colors, beauty and freshness with perfection, the songs are according to subject though Ainwayi Ainwai song is regular on my car stereo from days.

The bottom-line is that 2010 was a great year for Hollywood as Inception, Black Swan, Social Network and Easy-A were Eye candies, but the Indian cinema suffered, 90% movies were just run-of-the-mill stinkers, apart from MY NAME IS KHAN, TERE BIN LADEN, this is the 3rd Indian movie I enjoyed, watch it with your buddies or Girl-friend, its a fun filled ride till the end..
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