There's some fun to be had with this early 80's gore film
4 February 2011
It would be quite funny if someone was to buy this film thinking it was the 1950's classic. Where that film was subtle and atmospheric, this 1980 film…eh…well it isn't.

This is a gore movie about Bigfoot. The Sasquatch in this film is basically a murderous maniac who goes around tearing people apart. The creature looked a bit like how I imagine 80's mullet-headed kids TV presenter Pat Sharpe would look if he ever were to suffer a stroke. All-in-all quite a scary looking beast and one who is not slow to pitch up and kill people for no discernible reason. There is a fair number of bloody slayings in Night of the Demon, many of which are pretty funny if truth be told. This isn't a film that many people will be able to take terribly seriously. But, all things considered, it isn't that bad. It never forgets that its primary purpose is to entertain us and it even ties in a back-story towards the end that is reasonably effective.

The final confrontation is a strange slow-motion massacre. With the Pat Sharpe beast rampaging around killing everyone with a different method. It's quite a strange moment. The film finished not long after that and the overall feeling I had was at least they tried with this one. It might well be trash but it was fun while it lasted.
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