Alpha and Omega: Great title, mediocre movie
5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To tell you the truth I was excited a bit for this movie. It had an appealing title, some good animation in the commercials, and from what I heard, some good voice acting and story as well (though really, how hard is voice acting anyway?). What I saw was not that. Not that entirely. Except for the title. That's still cool.

Okay, so the animation first. I love the look of the characters themselves, but the animation is "meh" at best. Nothing I haven't seen before, and not really good at parts. Their fur is actually not like how Dreamworks or Pixar would ever make it, and looks like it is glued on with no real existence at all. And since when do manes look like bird feathers? The good parts were in the more acrobatic scenes, but it's not anything spectacular either.

The story is like taking all the movie story clichés (examples: anthropomorphic animals, no food conflict, forbidden love, etc.) and mixing them into an animated potluck. No, not potluck, potUNluck. There's no lucky catch that saves this movie. Also, what really ticked me off were also some of the funniest jokes/scenes for me. The sex references. I mean, COME ON, it's a kid's movie. Those writers pushed it dangerously close in my opinion. For example, when the bird guys (pretty funny dudes, too.) see Humphrey and Kate sleeping in that forest scene, one says "Maybe it's a bad time" and the other says "Actually, it's a perfect time. Heh heh." or something like that. Um, perverted birds much? The jokes are "meh" as well, pulling off of "butt jokes" mainly in the beginning. I sat there telling myself "It's going to get funnier" through the first quarter of the movie. Yeah. And it did. A little. The funniest scene in my opinion is near the end when Humphrey says "They sent us there to repopulate." and makes that face, then Kate's mom tries to kill him. Funny stuff, but again, that was sort of a sex joke. Is this KIDS movie's funny parts really pulling off of stuff KIDS won't understand, or shouldn't hear? Really? This is what I call a "rental" movie, you know, something to waste an hour and a half on those movie-perfect Saturday nights when no one wants to go to bed and will watch just about anything to stay awake. However, to make a true movie-perfect night, you'll need a true perfect movie, and this is not it.
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