Review of Buried Loot

Buried Loot (1935)
You can't beat the law the cards are stacked against you!
21 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** We get the story straight from the horse's mouth the straight talking and no BS MGM Reporter about a man who thought he can profit from his crime who in the end got far more then he expected in an extended stay in the clink for it.

Bank teller Albert Douglas had come up with this foolproof plan to embezzle $200,000.00 from the bank,the Seacoast Bank, he worked for by admitting his crime and later, after he served his time behind bars, retrieve it and live happily ever after. Everything worked like clockwork for the brash and sure of himself Douglas getting 5 to 10 years in Sing Sing and with good behavior he's expected to be out on the street a free man after five years with a stash of $200,000.00 waiting for him.

It's when Douglas' cell-mate Louie Rattig came up with this plan to crash out of prison that Doglas started to change his mind about stying for the duration of his sentence and joined Louie in the jailbreak. Louie got Douglas to thinking that the stash of cash may not be around, by being discovered, by the time he got out of prison thus leaving him without a pot to you know what in.

**SPOILERS*** With both Douglas & Louie now free by impersonating a priest and the father of a convicted murder about to get zapped in the electric chair it's only a matter of time before Douglas checks out the place in the wilds of New Jersey where he hid the stolen money. To make doubly sure that he'll get away with his crime the handsome looking Douglas, played by a 24 year old Robert Taylor, messed his face up with acid having him look like the Frankenstein Monster so that no one would recognize him when he takes off by boat to South America with the stolen loot!

As we and Douglas soon finds out all this was for nothing with him being caught in a sting that was set up for him before he even entered a guilty plea in court. Douglas was given by the law enough rope to hang himself and as things turned out it was his both greed and arrogance that ended up doing him in! Albert Douglas found out the hard way something that he should have known before he ever even thought of breaking the law and then manipulating it in his favor: Crime does not pay and he'll pay for that mistake until he's he's old and gray if in fact he gets that far in prison!
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