This Movie Deserves an Award
2 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Warrior's Way is a tri-fold mix containing the oh-so-annoying combat style of anime combined with barely laughable humor and topped off with a mind-numbingly absurd plot. Of course, all three of these things are subjective but I'll try to back up what I say in the spoiler section. With the exception of Alpha & Omega, I can't recall any other movies where I knew within 2-3 minutes the whole film was a bust, so I humbly put this movie forward for a Bustie award.

In the end, I gave this 'film' 3 stars. They don't use a homemade camera so I guess that's a plus, the music's alright for the scenes (except for one Tarantino rip off), and the last 15 minutes has some decent action. Other than that I wasn't attached to a single character (quite the opposite actually), I was insulted by the supposed 'plot twist' and I felt like the whole movie just eeked itself into existence from several scene ideas.

This is a Red-Box flick at best.

**********SPOILERS************ You will be treated to ninjas falling to land on buildings (from nowhere), popping up from under frozen water (again, really?) and fights getting reduced to the "he's so awesome, one sword strike without looking kills em all". One of the first scenes contains our "hero" slicing through half a dozen enemies spaced along a good 10 ft span in one fell swoop...and he's so fast they didn't even swing at him. Annoying.

Now we move on to the humor. What the movie lacks for in actual dialogue or situational humor it decides to make up in costumes and circus folk. Heck, if the movie is moving along slowly, just have your knee-high 'little person' with an 8 drawn on his head grab someone else's testicles for a laugh. If that doesn't work we can always rely on the terrible pairing of a serious battle-numbed warrior with a honkey-tonk loon that reminds me a lot of the red-headed cowgirl from Toy Story 2 and 3.

Last but not least (unless of course you wrote this movie script) is the plot. We begin with someone who has made it their life's pursuit to remove their enemy from the face of the earth yet stops at the last one (a baby) then runs off with her. A stretch but OK. Now his own clanmates somehow know this and decide to kill him along with the child. Zzzzzz. But it gets better, the main female protagonist has a score to settle as well with a man that tried to rape her as a child and in the process murdered her entire family. During her struggle she burns the man's face and he is forced to wear a mask. Later on in the story despite the masked man's recounting of events in a manner that really only he could, we find out that he really ISN'T the same man but is just a decoy. *@#&ing absurd. That's not a twist, it's called lying to your audience.

**********END SPOILERS************
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