Better than it has a right to be
5 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Taking the barest thread from Berkley Breathed's book and throwing away pretty much everything else, the people behind this motion capture film have made a good, but slight film that barely fills out it's running time.

The plot has Martians stealing Milo's mom so that she can be used as a programming for the nannybots that will raise the martian children. Unfortunately this will kill her; so Milo, who ends up on Mars by accident, has to save her. With the help of Gribble and Ki it's a race to save Mom before the sun comes up.

I liked this way more than I should have. The cast sells the film even as the plot motors from thing to thing with little explanation or character development. In it's way it's an expanded short but it works thanks to some really good supporting characters (Gribble and Ki).

I saw this at what they said was the first public screening as part of the New York International Children's Film Festival where it was a big hit. The kids around me seemed to be really loving it.

This is one of the better Robert Zemekis motion capture films (I've only really liked A Christmas Carol). While they have a good story they have to do something with the mouth movements which are really really bad and had the people on either side of me checking to see if there was something wrong with their 3D glasses.

Definitely worth seeing.... though if you do see this try to do so in 2D and not in IMAX. The film is shot in a wonderful widescreen that will be lost on an IMAX screen, and other than two or three depth shots there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that will require you to see this in 3D. Save your money.
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