Scott Pilgrim vs My Lamp
15 March 2011
Would be more entertaining. I've been reading the other reviews on here and I just can't understand for the life of me how this movie ranks at almost an 8/10. Yes, I realize people view graphic novels as capable delivery devices for quality literature. That doesn't warrant a 2 hour plot that jerks to each cutscene like some guy tripping on acid, waits to deliver any sort of message till the last half hour, then flip flops back and forth about 5 times right at the very end trying to appease everyone in the audience. Combine that with preteen concepts and daydreams of love & fighting and this whole thing was like The Wonder Years in a video game played by someone with severe ADD. This is by far not the masterpiece people made it out to be.

I won't lie, there were some funny bits just from the sheer nature of having the characters say random things for the entire 2 hours but there was nothing that even came close to the applause this movie has received. Originally, I wasn't going to watch this at all based on the trailer but I kept hearing good things so I gave it a shot.

Bottom line

The Good: Funny bits, decent fight choreography, interesting cinematography choices integrating the comic book/video game world with reality, hot Asian chick

The Bad: Extremely immature love story, random main character, laughable plot, terrible scene transition

4/10, I recommend not seeing it to begin with but if you do make sure you do so with someone who gave this film an 8 so you can ask them to point out exactly what they were thinking
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