Green Lantern (2011)
ringed superpowers
19 June 2011
Before, we discuss the film, I suggest the mystery out of the 'superhero':

Flies, but not Superman ...

Light, but not Iron Man ...

Green, but do not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ...

With a lantern, but not under the eye ...

And if you're reading these lines, omitting the title - you already know the answer. Well, to get acquainted with new shoots adaptations of comics is not superfluous to learn the fate of another defender of the Earth (and not only) - Green Lantern.

Especially pay attention to this movie, because the green light of previously unknown on the feature film characters (cartoons completely about him and his team participated in the animated Justice League does not count) our view is a colorful adaptation of the old kind of comics, like and distinguished themselves by the same token, what make us happy, and other products in the same genre - namely, super-powered, humor, fantastic graphics and morality, "the more force, the greater responsibility" (here the same meaning incorporated in the phrase "In the darkness of night by the light day of evil does not hide from me "and so on oath), but this time a priori familiar cocktails, adorned from top to the new face (and a new superpower attributes), but within a fully justifies all of the above expectations, simply can not fail to please either comics fan or viewer just decided to rest a couple of hours in front of this spectacle.

And we have to admit that the spectacle of it in terms of graphics my hopes were positive. Beginning with a flight through the cosmos is fascinating, and immediately sets up the audience on the future joy to the eye. In this respect, the contrast of our familiar human world with the scale of affordable Green Lantern came in handy. You look at earthly events and see the movie as a movie (at least initially - to master the power is nothing special even in flights of fighters I have not seen), but when the action moves before our eyes and open universe and extraterrestrial beings, the picture turns from reality to fantasy not the high quality animation, computer game or something, but the picture is very, very entertaining. Needless to say that 3D, though not particularly felt in terms of emission objects in the auditorium, still gone only for the benefit of the project (type of space and the Green Lanterns speak for themselves).

Special mention deserves the hero's costume - when you look at the screenshots / footage seems that the actor's head stuck to the suit, and the combination turned out far better, but on screen, whether it's terrestrial planet or fight Lantern - the main character looks great, with no contrast or the combined effect of filming. People from other worlds with strange faces turned at least good quality. And as the green light flashes and the ring of objects materizovannye imaginative characters not only create the effect of the previously unseen ability, but also look great in a frame. Although the main villain Parallax tucheobrazny and convert the hunchback with a psychic from the Earth looked like a much more modest ...

At the suggestion of extraterrestrial crap -

Flies around the world, our new hero

Drafted into the ranks of the Lantern

By the will of the ring - not at his will ...

With the fear of battle, to save the girl -

See Ryan Reynolds - do not let me down!

The plot revolves around a guy named Hal Jordan, who acquired an unexpected ring, which Frodo did not dream any, became a superhero, but for the happiness of this did not even ask. About how he mastered the force, and I started using it and says it's a movie. At the same time and found the story of Lanterns in general and in the earthly life of the protagonist in particular. Humor, fantasy, relationships, and a couple of thoughts about fear / will on demand. In the course of history itself, whose development is determined before the start of the movie, I want to mention that I personally did not have the finale - in fact on the face of this long and diverse singles final regular collision happened revealing spectacular and ambitious, but on the personal impressions of some smallish ... Although remember genre predecessors - and they then great timing, too, do not stand out.

Finally focus on the cast. Ryan Reynolds looked just fine - in the course of the film not once, not twice, not even three times as apt glad this is the choice of the actor on a central role. Blake Lively played a standard girlfriend of the hero - just type as old as the world of superheroes, but the muzzle of the performer - a new and more on the character can not say anything. When looking at the list of founders are still a couple of familiar names, at least some familiar faces that made good under zagrimerovali aliens, so much so that I am personally not one and not guilty. Peter Sarsgaard was ... well, just not bad, especially with regard to external changes.

Result: as expected - in fact, another brilliant film adaptation of comic book with all its successful tradition of humor to science fiction and Bravo theme of struggle against evil, and externally - a little more original with a new kind of hero picture, green color and special effects which could not be better approached another excellent entertainment show.
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