Review of Haunters

Haunters (2010)
Why are these two characters in conflict and why should we care?
20 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of the film has a young man with the power to manipulate people as if they were puppets with his eyes coming into conflict with another young man with miraculous healing properties that some how makes him immune from control. The conflict starts when an attempt by the villain to get money from the pawn shop where our hero works goes wrong. The remaining 90 minutes of screen time is a chase that really doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense.

With plot holes you could drop a planet through, illogical moves that defy rational thought and lack of excitement that is amazing, this film is a well made stinker.

Yes it looks good...

Yes it has a few sequences that are great (The 1991 opening for example)...

...but there is no real reason for the conflict. Worse we have a hero who's almost every move causes some one to die or get hurt.

I can't think of a reason for any of it to happen...especially as it goes down here.

I like the look, I like the ideas, I hate the script.

I'm really torn about whether to rip this film apart or not- hence the lack of plot details... but I don't have the time to truly rip this films logic and get to bed at a reasonable hour.

Besides I don't think you'll be foolish like me and buy a 30 buck import of the film- odds are you'll pay say 10 bucks and see it in a theater and maybe walk out... I stupidly stayed to the bitter end.
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