Review of Cars 2

Cars 2 (2011)
James Bond & Johnny English
25 June 2011
That these two names can be characterized by the greatest super agent 80% of the film. Naturally Bond - is a real agent Fin MakMintl and unusual Inglish - a tow truck Maitre. It is usually assumed that the sequel - a rather bitter word, since they are unsuccessful, try to go to the past glory of parts, and just a quickie. I can not say the same about this cartoon, but still the first part was better. And the main character this time is not lightning, apparently by his friend liked the writers, because even a single cartoon about it is.

In the wheelbarrow was morality, and so bright, not worn out. Here you have a lot in recent years have seen films about the choice between wealth, fame, recognition, and real, genuine friendship? Personally, I am not one. Well, continued - it is the purest spy thriller, only slightly seasoned friendship of the main characters, and thoughts about the destination. Although it's too bad, the summer after all.

Interesting question, I came almost immediately after the start of the session. Lightning McQueen took command of the first part of the finals for only one race? Now it has different mechanics or just dub is not quite correct? And yes, sad news for fans of Doc Hudson, undefeated, it will not. Why, you will learn in the first five minutes of the film. To be honest, I was hoping to continue to see plenty of racing, as in the first part I did not have them, and "lucky" they are really more. On the whole one. Well, what do you want from the spy thriller? Secret spy gadgets, shooting, car chases, explosions and even murder. But not racing. I even remember Rush Hour (tour of Japan), and the film Johnny Inglish (almost all of the master, including the final). Incidentally, in the cinema around me (and many before me, and after, both the left and right) were children of kindergarten age 5-6. And they did not like. Not a children's cartoon apparently unsuccessful, although a lot of funny moments.

The quality of pictures can say a lot, but why? After all, it's Pixar and Disney, they are always on top. The scenario is not taken out, but the picture is simply amazing. Soundtrack matched perfectly. It is mainly noticeable in the scenes of battles and races, which is quite natural and logical. But it also happens in quiet moments, the music makes the astonishing skill of composers.

As a result, for an incredible picture, sparkling humor, spy gadgets and a good soundtrack put a solid seven.

ps: in the credits is a special thanks to Steve Jobs, I wonder what he did?
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