The winner is the quality of beliefs, not their quality kolichestvo.Pobezhdaet convictions, not their quantity.
10 July 2011
Frankly it's sad, and at the same time happy. I simply do not belong to those who have always responded with a special enthusiasm for any of the movie franchise about a young wizard. However, I am glad that we always had to consciously approach the fact of its existence. Much has happened over the years. For some of us have been ups and downs in relation to the part of Harry Potter, for someone not. We are alone. Such stories - only a sign of how this loneliness we are trying to escape. When there is that it is able to unite us, and the same eyes we are able to watch the same story. Harry and his friends always reminded very much of themselves, because of two things - simplicity and good nature. Also, like any other person, we grow, mature, and it all happens under the influence of other factors. We observe and listen, exactly the same as the one when a little boy, in the course of years became a man. He had fears, and there were mysteries. He sought to solve them, and overcome all sorts of difficulties. He was tough, and friends were always glad to help. Is this not a reflection of our life in certain stages of her? Istoriya3D finally reached the tipping point that, when there was absolutely no childhood, and adulthood appeared views of the surrounding events. No more compromises, and as it turned out, it had to Yates to clear better film3D Potteriana.

Finals begin at the same place and finished last. Harry continues to search and destroy krestrazhem, revealing a truth long after the other. Each of the stories of how wonderful flower blooms on the quality of its on-screen incarnation, and this against the background of the war, that this time reached the very heart of the School of Wizardry - Hogwarts. So we have not seen it, and now never see. For many viewers Hogwarts was a kind of contact point values, which were always presented in the form of friendship and nastoyatelstva. And no more delays, no unnecessary chatter. Only Harry, only fidelity, and pursuing all the destruction. You can refer yourself to whichever of the categories of viewers, but the fact remains a fact for all - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" is the perfect combination of language and the magic of cinema, so perfect a form of which is sought or one year.

Yates throws us into an even more oppressive and heavy atmosphere with all the consequent seriousness from the first seconds. Conversation with Kryukohvatom each evokes the idea of ​​just how significant was the approach to creating images of goblins, only gaining full speed as soon as we find ourselves in a bank vault. Excellent work on the sound makes itself felt, balancing between the absolute silence, drama and suspense.

Yet in one part of the franchise was not represented in such a grand magic number, as here. If someone had thought of her lack of a rare and often repeated occurrence, there is an argument not able to find a way for his being. Scenes from the attack on the school and a further battle in its territory amazing imagination, especially by the scope with which this material came to the creators. Protection of Hogwarts gorgeous scenes extras are told by their size, and many characters appear in a surprisingly strong and significant way.

The entire color stunning British school of acting punches for most of the scenes, making us even more insight to treat them. Finally, the record screen time was Ralph Fiennes, whose "you know who" the destruction of each of the next Horcrux is even more direct correspondence notions of darkness and gloom. Neville takes off from their shoulders image of a modest and humble guy, and gives your episodes live energy of goodness and faith. Home trio strongly demonstrates a complete renunciation of those pranks that are brought before us in various amounts for previous years. Romantic issues are themselves short, direct and confident answers. This is not the children we once knew. Now it's two guys, behind which the power and courage, and a real woman, able to charm anyone looking right at it man. However, I think, a hero of the imagery comes to Severus. It is starting to deploy its history, it's not just Harry. It is not just the bar, which surely holds Yates first hour and a half. It is much more than that.

Severus makes history more than ever to penetrate the gap and in the emotional space in which Alan Rickman is calling us. Beginning to emerge as answers to many protracted and complex issues. What happens immediately taking shape full epics, which is so easily dissolved, knowing how long we were going to this. And the last conversation with Harry Dambusom only emphasizes the last time that a tipping point, when the whole world that was built many years around one person starts to go away from under his feet. Saying goodbye to them, leaving alone with the problem itself throughout his life that he so carefully prepared.

In the finals can be found inconsistencies with the book, but their role does not affect the plot by a radical way, and all the changes made by Yeats, were personally approved by Rowling. Staged ending only emphasizes the importance and drama of the whole junction, causing the heroes to face any one time with each other. Two opposing world, the best colors and shades, with unique emotional content and the history of origins.

Just supporting each other we are capable of much. Unsurpassed finale unmatched history.

Goodbye, Harry.
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