Review of The Tomb

The Tomb (2007 Video)
I think that I'm missing some of IQ.
12 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's start out by saying a few things: I'm a HUGE H.P. Lovecraft fan. Second, when I first saw this I had not read the short story of the same name, and third, my memory's kinda fogged, so bare with me on the review.

When I remembered this movie, I went to the video store, rented it, and that night when I put it in the DVD player and pressed play on the DVD menu, the nightmare began ...

The "plot" (which is clearly ripped from SAW) is that there's this woman, Tara (Victoria Ullman) and a man, Billy (Christian Dehm) trapped in a warehou-I mean, tomb, by Jigsa-oops, the Puppetmaster, filled with wooden coffins marked by inverted pentagrams and dolls with "666" on their heads. The duo goes around opening the lids on these coffins, and it shows the Puppetmaster taunting them through a microphone sitting at a table filled with your typical store-bought Halloween decorations saying "Eight nails, who fails?" And so Tara and Billy go around talking about H.P. Lovecraft after finding a book that was handwritten in marker that was entitled "The Tomb." In between several of the scenes is an irrelevant clip of some woman wearing a black robe and a white mask, riding a horse.

This movie is probably one of the worst things I've EVER seen. Even Uwe Boll can direct better movies than this, and that's saying a lot. At least I found House of the Dead amusing. I hate it so much, not just because Ulli Lommel disgraced the name of one of my favorite horror authors, but because it was so badly made. Another disgrace made was the tagline: CURIOSITY WILL LURE YOU IN. I didn't notice that until a few months ago, sometime after I'd read the superior short story. It's a direct reference to the story. *SPOILERS! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE STORY, READ THIS REVIEW NO FURTHER!* What happens in the story is that the protagonist is curious about what's inside the tomb, so he goes in, and later discovers the horrible truth about himself, which is a recurring element throughout many of HPL's stories. And that's not even present in this piece of s**t.

Overall, terrible acting and lighting, unoriginal ideas. And worst of all, so bad it was FAR from funny.

-10/10 (AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!)
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