Entertaining, and a touch of insightful.
19 July 2011
Todd reviews pop songs.

This is an awesome concept for two reasons: 1. Pop music is part of a common experience that civilized human beings can usually share. 2. Pop music needs criticism, and badly.

So what sets Todd apart, besides being in the shadows? Todd begins every review with a piano cover of the song he's going to review. He then introduces the song, talks about individual elements, culminating in a final judgment, and a send-off. This is all filled with sight gags, puns, and zingers that makes the show very entertaining. That said, Todd can, from time to time, weave social commentary into his reviews, an inevitable element of reviewing popular culture, but one which would be so easy to mess up. Todd manages this element flawlessly, eschewing preachiness when necessary, and in general practicing restraint. The highlight of his shows are definitely his top tens, so if you're new to Todd, start there. One other thing to remember, however, is that he is a romanticist, namely he values emotion in artwork, especially music. Therefore, it follows that if you don't really agree, then his reviews may not suit you too well, but he usually does a good job of avoiding excluding anyone either. If you don't agree with him, then he can make you see things from a different point of view.

So, to conclude, watch this series, as it is quite entertaining, and you just might learn something.
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