I Accuse! (1958)
I Accuse you...if you don't watch this entertaining drama
27 July 2011
A most excellent portrayal of men, politics and truth and how truth is given a back set to the affairs of men. This story is as old as mankind itself. To see someone unjustly and falsely accused of a crime and not be able to do anything about it summons the deepest feelings one can have for life itself and of course the life giver. This story comes to you at a price...the price of a mans life. You see its true he suffered and then continued to suffer in a place made for suffering exclusively i.e. Devils Island prison. The french were notorious for punishment and being a french traitor made you especially un-welcomed on the island. Man is not perfect as we learned in Victors Hugo accounting called Les Miserable. That is why here in America, we would rather see 12 guilty people go free before we convict or condemn an innocent person. This movie drives home that point. Don't fight the emotional scenes when they come. There are a few and they can clean you out if you let them..
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