Just A Bad Film - I Feel Bad For The Talent
31 July 2011
Oh, I just came back from a screening of Cowboys and Aliens and all my worst fears came to light. Yes, this film is as bad as everyone is saying. Now, I really liked most of the directors films (The Iron Man films are awesome). So, I defended this team and this film saying it would be good but they made a liar out of me. I'm all out of praise for them. I just went off on my friends about how much this movie sucks, so I probably won't have much left to say. I wanted to like this film; I was going to cut it all the slack that I could manage. I'm sorry but even given that factor, this movie falls so flat. Even trying to fool myself, it is bad. I literally could sit here all day ripping apart the poor dialogue, the multiple tones, the dumb concept, etc. It's such a shame that a director that maybe was on his way to being called one of the best working today seems to have stubbed his toe big-time here. Hopefully, Cowboys & Aliens marks the bottom of the barrel and we can all forget this thing ever happened at all. I kind of feel sorry for Harrison Ford. He's too great of an actor and too much of a legend to be staring in a movie that's this bad.
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