10 August 2011
You can read the plot on all the other reviews so I'll just stick to the point. This movie was very well done. Daniel Craig is believable and likable in his role, even though you don't like what it appears he might be. Harrison Ford plays a cranky rotten mean turd and does it well, but he starts to grow on you and he plays the part well. It is wonderfully authentic as an old western and then gets interesting when the aliens appear. Despite the incongruity of the two, hey, who's to say aliens have to wait for our race to get to the point of computers and jet planes before they can invade? It's mostly serious and intense, but with some really funny moments too. The reason why the aliens are here is a little lightweight. There's also one other moment, you'll know it when it happens, when I turned to my husband and said, "Ok, I was really enjoying it but this is just stupid!" and it is, but then once it explains, it's a bit less stupid. Sure, the background plot with the aliens is again, kind of lightweight, but who cares? All the interesting plot is with the people fighting the aliens and their interaction and it's worth it.
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