Beaver Falls (2011–2012)
Largely unnoticed, but I don't think fairly.
31 August 2011
I think a lot of people wrote this off straight away from the trailer on E4 - I was nearly one of them. It looked like it was going to be a pretty empty drama - British guys going after hot girls; kind of 90210 with a couple of English guys and a Scot. I gave it a go though and stuck with it through the whole series and I'm glad I did. The dynamic between the core three works very nicely and it is fun to watch. There is a lot more humour than I thought and it is so much the better for it. It actually seems to get a little too caught up in its own plot sometimes - the best bits are when the characters are all chatting to each other. Barry stands out particularly as a likable character as the joker of the group. John Dagleish plays him extremely well; it doesn't ever feel like he is acting and he becomes very identifiable with as a result.

Most of the cast are very good - a few characters are a little too stereotypical and thus dull, but overall the show does very well to be genuinely entertaining with enough drama to keep the show moving but enough comedy to make it very fun to watch. I'd say the first episode was the weakest, too, with a little too much emphasis on toilet humour, but after that its far more about the group dynamic and improves from there.
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