Enjoyable some of the time
1 September 2011
Owen is an aspiring filmmaker who has been nominated for an award for one of his films. He works in the film industry, developing photos, and he doesn't seem to be that good at it. His friend Ray, who has an office job (this week), appeared in the film and plays drums in a rock band. He has a daughter Francie who lives with Ray's ex, who has a new man. Ray also has a drinking problem and is quite immature.

Owen is engaged to Lynn. Together, they attend a film with French subtitles together. She thoroughly enjoys it; he nearly falls asleep. Afterward they meet her French literature professor Noam who also really liked the film.

Then Owen and Lynn catch the end of the performance of Ray's band. Afterward, Ray claims to need help with his drums, and Lynn goes on home. The truth is that Ray wants Owen to go to Bertrand's party, where there are girls. And Rachel, one of those girls, seduces Owen while Ray strikes out with the others. Then Bertrand figures out he doesn't know Owen or Ray and certainly didn't invite them, and they are thrown out.

Ray has a number of problems. He supposedly can't hold a job, and his ex is dissatisfied with the amount of time he spends with his daughter, though Ray does seem pleasant to Francie. Did I mention he drinks?

Owen, Ray and several other guys get called to serve as pallbearers at the funeral of Matt's father in New Jersey. The funeral is depressing, though the ride to and from the funeral seems like "American Pie" or one of those other disgusting buddy movies.

While Owen is out of town, Lynn happens to meet Rachel and finds out the truth about her and Owen. Lynn wants to break up.

So Owen and Ray go to the festival where Owen hopes to pick up an award. When they arrive, they are supposed to go to the airport motel, but Ray sees Wallace Shawn and talks to him. He finds out Shawn is staying at the Four Seasons, and after conning the driver to take them there, Ray overhears that Shawn's son will be late. He convinces the hotel clerk he is Shawn's son and gets him and Owen a nice room and orders plenty of food, and drinks as much as possible. Then the guys attend the festival. One wacko, whose name I don't remember, really liked Owen's film and made Owen look like he would have potential, but his lines are so laughably ridiculous that I don't think he will be able to further Owen's career.

So what's going to happen? Will Owen and Lynn straighten things out? Will Ray ever fix his messed-up life? Will the two guys succeed with their hotel scam?

This film was enjoyable enough, at least part of the time. I didn't care for some of the more racy scenes at the party. I was really surprised by the plain-vanilla TV-PG rating, because it certainly deserved more.

Chris Klein was fun, especially when he was trying to con people. At work, he told a co-worker (possibly a boss) how beautiful she was. He couldn't possibly have meant physically, because the movie had many better-looking girls. Of course, the hotel scam was the best part, and Wallace Shawn was starting to get annoyed or possibly scared by his stalker.

Jamie-Lynn Sigler was pleasant enough, and quite pretty. In fact, she was gorgeous in one scene where she decided to let the machine pick up when the phone rang.

And Freddie Prinze Jr. did a capable job as well.

One standout performer was Frank Whaley, who also wrote and directed, as the quirky driver who was supposed to take the guys to the motel but instead had to go to the Four Seasons.

Sophie Nyweide also shined as Ray's little girl, mainly late in the movie.

I had a good time. That's what's important.
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