Review of Weather Girl

Weather Girl (2009)
A nice gem of a movie that too few people have heard of.
16 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We found this one on Netflix streaming movies. Although the theme has been well explored over the years the dialog and acting are very fresh and more interesting than most of this genre.

Tricia O'Kelley, a TV series veteran actress, is weather girl Sylvia at a Seattle TV station. It is a menial job for a well-educated woman, but she often is the butt of references by the morning talk show "talent." In a really good role for him, Mark Harmon is the main talent, Dale, and he seems to have affairs with every woman in reach, including Sylvia. But now their relationship is on the rocks, and Sylvia comes to work sad and tearful. But she decides to resign by going on-air and, instead of giving the scripted weather cast, she goes off on a tirade against Dale. She leaves, but the audience likes what they saw and rating go up. This eventually leads to their wanting her to return.

In the meantime Sylvia, broke with no job, crashes with her 25-ish younger brother, Ryan Devlin, also a TV veteran, as Walt. This provides for some very funny sibling interactions. Adding to the humor is Patrick J. Adams, another TV veteran, as Byron, the 25-ish cross-the-hall neighbor and good friend of Walt's who visits every day to use Walt's computer to do his online job. Byron is unashamedly smitten with Sylvia, 10 years his senior, and spends much of the movie's running time trying to convince her that they have an ideal situation for dating without any attachment.

We enjoyed it.
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