The truth may be hard to take, but it needs to be swallowed!
21 September 2011
I for one will back Tim Harrison 150% on his claims in this film. Having been the person answering the phone for more than five years at a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary whose mission is to provide permanent 'end of life' care to captive-raised, non-domestic animals like those depicted in the film, I know what he says to be true! We, too, field more than 100 requests each year to 'adopt', or graciously accept private owners' "donations" (such a grand term for dumping their burdens on us) of their grown-up big cats, monkeys, iguanas, pythons, giant tortoises, bears, and other non-domestic 'pets'. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE for having living beings caged in this way? There is no valid reason other than to satisfy human ego, curiosity, and for profit. Period. If the general public doesn't know that's the case, then this film is a great starting point to become informed! It is not a horror-fest, so don't be afraid!! It is not purely a "message movie", either. This film is a piece of excellence in filmmaking, an extraordinary story-telling feat, and one every single American should see.
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