Nightmare on Sesame Street
23 September 2011
Our story of block attacking begins as our rag-tag group of protagonist hoods surround and mug a poor, helpless lass. In the midst of the mugging, a falling meteor crash lands into a car mere feet away. The boss of the group of young punks, Moses, lets the woman run away as he wants to loot anything he can out of the smoldering wreck. Within moments he and friends are fighting off a sharp-toothed, little alien from another planet. Not long after, they find out that this freaky looking alien has friends coming – bigger, meaner, freakier looking friends.

Watched this flick a couple times now, and for the most part it stands up as a legit lil creature feature. This debut by Joe Cornish, is a consistently fresh looking and sounding flick that showcases some crisp and creative camera-work, some in-your-face social commentary, and, believe it or not, an actual story that was fun to follow, as well as some cool looking alien creatures that had me instantly nodding with approval – they were slightly Sesame Streetish, but with a twisted nightmare feel.

The writing and ott characters here, which is apparently how some real-life style young'uns in London talk and act, may get on your nerve a bit – it's like British and Jamaican rolled in one – I personally didn't have much of an issue with it. There's lots of quick delivered slang and silly hood posturing being spewed all about, but through good direction of these young actors, Cornish managed to bond the actors and actually created a cohesive cinematic relationship among them. So much so, that by the end I was hoping all remaining characters wouldn't kick the bucket. Which is basically opposite of how I normally act with modern horrors – I want everybody to be mince-meat by the time the credits roll.

Not a perfect film by any means as a couple scenes of tension faltered with its desired effect *ahemhallwaysceneahem*, the funny bone department was lacking, and a few moment of hamminess from some of our rough 'n tough 15 year old leads at times had me giggling to myself. Nevertheless, this is a fun and entertaining creature flick that should please most fans of the subgenre. Trust.
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