Didn't meet low expectations
27 September 2011
"Everybody else will have a better time revisiting Monster Squad or falling asleep." This was a quote from David White from Movies.com....I should have took heed.

Let me preface this by saying I never knew of any comic book by this name.

I like reading users reviews. Critics can be...well very critical. And at times it seems that they take good movies and just rip them apart until there's nothing left but an unstable skeleton missing all ligaments and tendons. BUT, their reviews of this movie are far more on point than many users.

The movie is exhausting and dragging. There has been only 3 movies that I fell asleep on or didn't finish and this is one of them. I did watch enough to critique though...I fell asleep on the last 15 minutes of the movie and I am not captivated enough to finish it. Much of the acting was below average at best and few characters were believable, including the lead. I don't like spoilers so I won't give any examples, but just look at his expressions when he should have been shocked or surprised and he might as well found a penny on the ground. The romantic attraction wasn't built up nor convincing.

Many lines were corny. Most of the costumes, especially the werewolves were lame - I've seen equivalents at Halloween parties. But to give credit the unique zombie had a good costume though. If you can think of movies where people are constantly punched and kicked and walk away with a small bruise on their face (if anything at all) - this is one of those movies. I know a movie about zombies, vampires and werewolves doesn't represent the most realistic plot but come on...at least try to make something believable. I laughed at 2 scenes which is why the movie got 1 star and the sidekick and Tay Diggs (albeit terrible dialogue) were almost enjoyable, giving the 2 star rating. Had this movie been an episode of Outer Limits I would have given it a 4/5 due to the low expectations of a genre series.

My review stops there so you can stop reading if you want...I'm jumping on a soapbox for a moment. People have the tendency to vote reviews as not helpful if they don't agree with you - not if what the reviewer is saying is true. I'm sure that these are the same kind of people that hate personal criticism, even when it's constructive. I have my guilty pleasures that the general public think suck but the reviews on those movies are usually spot on (but for some silly reason I like the movie). People should try that on for size...you don't have to dislike something to admit it's shortcomings.
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