Better than getting a res at Dorsia on a Friday night
20 October 2011
Miles Fisher does it again!

Just when you thought that it wasn't possible for anyone to do a better impersonation than Fisher's Tom Cruise in Superhero Movie, Fisher masters a spot-on take on Christian Bale's character, Patrick Bateman, in American Psycho - a great, great film, and a personal favorite. Fisher brilliantly captures every nuance of Bale's facial expressions, mannerisms, timing and gestures.

Not to be outdone by his fine acting performance, Fisher's musical interpretation of the Talking Heads' "This Must Be The Place" provides a modern twist and an epic mediation on the 80's classic. Fisher's take deepens and enriches the original version of the song.

I actually bought his three song album after viewing this piece. Fisher has really come into his own, commercially and artistically.

The concept, art direction and direction are skillfully crafted, making this short worth viewing over and over again.

Miles Fisher has hit a new peak of professionalism.

Well done!


Now I have to return some video tapes.
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