The power of truth, even during his lifetime, I won the universe.
1 November 2011
For the first time looked, but with a terrible transfer, and the film still liked it. The second time literally 10 minutes ago, with a good dubbing, and I want to say. Beautiful, sad, inspired, the paintings, I have, is not seen.

"Remember in November, and remember the number five.

Gunpowder Plot betrayed again.

With all due respect to the flow time.

Betrayals do not forget "

England, one of Nazi Germany's colonies. The head of a totalitarian minded chancellor Satler. Dictating their severest laws. As a result, human life becomes a disguised order hell. And as usual, is opposed to this "order" a loner, a victim of the government of games, a revolutionary, named V.

So thoroughly worked, balanced story that I can not express in words how he pleased me. Wachowski brothers still know their job perfectly well. Why are only special effects, explosions and Old Parliament Bailey surprised by its beauty and craftsmanship.

Word of honor to know him at once, in his real voice. Then only in the closing credits confirmed that I was not mistaken. Now imagine anyone else in the role of V can not. Even if not seen his appearance as such. Porcelain mask was his face, in every sense. In the course of the film, she comes alive in my eyes, I'm glad that never showed face Hugo.

Think of a dialogue with Ivy Wee, after he released her from prison, my heart nearly stopped, to tears was a moment. An excellent game that deserves every possible award once. Although Smith was good, but it plays V in all respects.

"Beneath this mask is more than flesh, beneath this mask idea, and ideas can not die"

The result of my admiration will mention scenes out Bu on fire, and Ivy in the rain. Both raise their hands and shout. How finely weaved their way at the moment. How thin is presented to us.

After seeing a picture of unwittingly leaving themselves in as a dungeon, and you sit there, polnon impressions of what he saw.
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