Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011 Video Game)
Multiplayer experience of Modern Warfare 3
9 November 2011
If you are sick of MW2 (Modern Warfare), then don't buy MW3, its not the game for you. There are new maps (there are some nice maps but the rest are avg), new guns (smg seems to be the popular gun) and new game modes ( kill confirm is like a blitz of people running around like headless chickens) and a new kill streak system (improvement) but not much innovation in terms of graphics, single player campaign (4 hours game time to complete) and game play is more or less the same. The developers of the game have stuck with the same formula that made mw1 and 2 so popular but they have refined and made certain tweaks to the Multiplayer arena that fan boys will love. As for me I didn't buy this game (I played on a friend's PC) as i knew what to expect already from all the you-tube vids out there. I was already disappointed with Black Ops so i decided to put a hold on getting mw3. Will get this game on Steam when there is a sale but for fans who have played more than 800 hours on mw2 and still want more, then mw3 is the game for you.
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