Zombie Apocalypse (2011 TV Movie)
Not bad, but takes some stuff directly from the Walking Dead comics
16 November 2011
The big burly black guy wielding a hammer played by Ving Rhames in the movie was Tyrese in the Walking Dead comics, while the athletic black woman with the katana played by Lesley Ann-Brandt was Michonne in the comics. Other than being called Henry & Cassie and Tyrese having hair, they were basically direct lifts.

However, not a bad effort for SyFy - effects were okay and there was some good tense moments in the movie. The actors did a decent job with their material, the apocalyptic LA landscape was done fairly well, though I don't know if they ever explained that satellite/space station streaking through the sky. No big stunners in terms of originality - shamblers and runners for zombies, though they didn't expand on the zombies getting smarter/laying ambushes, either.
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