The film seems a bit innocuous today...
17 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When you see "All My Compatriots" today, it seems like a reasonably innocuous film. However, back in the late 60s, it was quite radical because it did NOT show the post-war years in Czechoslovakia as a workers' paradise nor did it show a just system. So, in context, it's pretty interesting but it just seems to lose something here in 2011.

The film picks up immediately after the Germans are forced out of Czechoslovakia and takes place in one small town. The folks are grateful for the Russians for liberating them and the future is very bright and hopeful. During much of the beginning of the film, the folks seem quite happy and celebrate the joy of living. However, the film is episodic and as the years pass, things turn a bit ugly. The town now has a new committee to enforce the Communist system--and it seems a bit capricious and is run by petty tyrants. Folks in the town who were nice folks at the film's beginning now let the power run to their heads. Still, despite this, life goes on and you see the town over a 15 year plus period of time.

None of the film seemed especially exciting to me, though the beautiful red-head and the subsequent things that happen to each of her admirers is interesting--and possibly a metaphor for the nation as a whole...perhaps. A decent film but one younger audiences would probably not especially appreciate.

cheesy goring scene
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