Review of Get Gellar

Dexter: Get Gellar (2011)
Season 6, Episode 9
Nice Try Writers!!
28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I give the writers full points for the attempt, but it is almost not fair - to sound like a whiney 12 year old. You can't show this Travis and Geller relationship the whole season, and then shock us with a "We got you!!" moment. It is almost like the writers are simply going for the shocker here instead of doing a storyline that actually makes sense and works. Maybe they are getting a little cocky since their Rita shocker worked and they got full praise so now they want to top that. And I am a big fan of the whole Sixth Sense type of mind blower, but this just wasn't fair. If the next episode doesn't dig deeper and explain how Travis pulled this off and why then I might actually give up on this show, a show I have loved since the very first episode of season 1. Would Travis really kill his own sister? When did he kill Geller: a month ago? weeks? days? hours? Would Dexter really fall for all of this? He is such a cerebral genius I don't think he'd walk into a trap like this. Plus, how was Travis locked up in his hotel room, and prepping the Bowls murder scene (ala Carrie) and writing on the walls and avoiding the police and then washing the same walls. It is just dumb and not fair! I'm done and mad!
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