Review of Catch .44

Catch .44 (2011)
Don't Fake IT
4 December 2011
This whole film was just awful. 3 out 10 only because it had some actors I would normally have enjoyed anywhere else apart from this film.

Forest Whittaker trying to be Tony Montana and sounding just awful while also changing his accent 3 or 4 times throughout this movie was pathetic. Bruce Willis with his shrivelled nuts grew old. This movie was a really awful attempt at a Quentin Tarantino that lacked in every aspect, from its poor dialogue, the realism, gangsters just don't act that way and its scenes. By the end of this movie, left feeling what a waste of time! Why do they honestly bother making this trash, as this movie certainly will not give them credibility or help them with their careers.

Don't fake it, was the only message in this film as it certainly was a compromise on any genuine attempt at making a movie.
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