"Your favorite bands favorite band" see this and become a Fishbone Soldier!
6 December 2011
Everyday Sunshine showcases a truly inspirational story of a group whose unwillingness to compromise their artistic beliefs helped shape the careers of countless other musicians. Fishbone is a criminally underrated band as far as popular culture goes, but as you will see, their contributions are well respected by others in the music industry. There is no way you can watch this film without becoming a Fishbone fan. It's heartbreaking to see that these guys have yet to really get what is due to them, while so many acts who have aped them achieved more mainstream success. The numerous appearances by A-list musicians really help make the case that every Fishbone soldier has been pleading for years: These guys should have been the biggest band in the world. Watching the film really brings a lot of clarity to their situation, chronicling everything from the very beginning of the band in South Central L.A. to now. It helps the viewer to understand what made Fishbone such a groundbreaking and influential band and how those same things may have limited their appeal to the masses. I would encourage anyone who isn't familiar with Fishbone to see this film. Following Norwood and Angelo through their realities really makes you feel a full range of emotions because their life has been such a series of ups and downs, and it continues to be. The passion that Fishbone has for music jumps off the screen, just as it does in their recordings, and you realize that these guys have nothing in their nature but to innovate. This documentary clearly demonstrates the power of adversity as a creative catalyst. It is comforting to know that the members of Fishbone are on some level content to have had the success that they have while also remaining true to their artistic ambitions. After all that Fishbone has done for music, they deserve to have their story heard. It made not be told enough, but Everyday Sunshine does a masterful job of telling it.
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