Review of Hugo

Hugo (2011)
About the movie magic
5 January 2012
The film was concerned more with the first news. Still, the family of Martin Scorsese's film - it's a little unusual, but it is tempting - especially with such actors. In the end, "Keeper of Time" does not confirm the fears and exceeds all expectations - with Scorsese got something that does not always work out in the cinema itself, not to mention the individual directors. In front of us - Magic straight from childhood, and it does not matter when it was his childhood - you feel it, not as a modest retrospective. But in order ...

Directed by Martin Scorsese in fact - a living classic of cinema, without which it is difficult to imagine the genre of crime films, besides, he was always very talented stylist, and his films were full of very interesting mounting solutions. Does he use this experience in "Keepers of Time"? Yes, but very selectively. It is encouraging that being on unfamiliar territory, Martin Scorsese did not cling to what he knew numbers and techniques. "Keeper ..." looks fresh and at the same time, so it seems that love this movie for a long time. Directed exactly what is honest with his audience, it does not work on some kind of target audience: the film is not lisp, but we do not like regular dark realism, a favorite in modern cinema.

And the movie itself - it's a film about magic movie, which is now made to bury under the gloomy scenarios and effects tones. Yes, in the "Guardian ..." is not so simple. The protagonist - Hugo Cabra (young, but very entertaining Asa Butterfield) lost his father and forced to live at the train station, watching the clock, and around him, at first glance, it is not friendly people in more accidents and broken - the same as Toys, which sells old magician (Sir Kingsley ene) or leg cruel, but a lone inspector (mustached Sacha Baron Cohen) ... all - like broken clockwork, which never have enough gear, so that they could go further. Thus, the magician will be a real magician - though from the world of cinema, just stopped believing in magic, and evil is not evil inspector, just such a life.

The characters here are classic and the film does without surprises. But as he presents them - through the whole picture is not so much a story of growing up, but simply finding yourself. Asa Butterfield played as such can only play so children - clean and quite technical, but with talent. Chloe Moretz, the young, but the star, it looks much more natural than in the same "Let me in" or "Piptse." Sound terribly old-fashioned role of a girl who dreams of adventure, Chloe looked better than in the roles of girls coming off limbs for people. It was nice to see the big actors - such as Kingsley (as very important for the movie rights), or Christopher Lee. Living legends, they are people usual, but with tremendous spark. Ben Kingsley has turned terribly vulnerable, and bereguschim themselves from large shocks - unlike his other books. Christopher Lee plays the one his monumental charisma, singing - only then - the owner of a bookshop. Sacha Baron Cohen has shown himself not as a chief mocker and troll movie, but as an actor. Yes, its inspector - is a collective image of the employees of all law enforcement agencies, and the stage with delivery of orphans and Doberman explicitly mocked the Nazis, but throughout the film are left covered by this story, these characters do not notice a dirty trick. Especially as Cohen demonstrates really cool game - not only funny but also touching. As for Jude Law and Ray Winston, they are treacherous enough. But Lowe's is charming and sweet as his father Hugo and Winston is the image of the watchmaker-drinkers.

In fact, Scorsese filmed a movie about all - and of themselves, and many of the spectators, even the very young. In a world of endless sequels, gloomy and serious restarts no longer believe in the magic of cinema, which it had once granted the. It is significant that the director in whose films reflect the worst vices of men, took the wise but not preachy film. Even in the most vivid and dramatic moments "Hraniel time" is kept straight with his audience. He does not need to surprise the beauty of these Paris 30s (and they are great!) Or lecture. After all, a movie - it's magic, which is sometimes not necessary to have a double bottom, and let it remain a focus, but it gives people pleasure. In this respect, "The Guardian of Time" - Cinema with a capital letter, not intended for a specific age or age group. The film is beautiful inside and outside of his ideas - a panorama of Paris and the railway station were worth every dollar 170,000,000th budget, and embodied it with great talent and surprisingly gently, carefully.

Best story of the year! I am glad that the movie recently lifted from the abyss mrachnyaka - Project Master "Super 8", "The Adventures of Tintin" and now "Guardian of time" once again make Cinema what he must be - a place where dreams are happening!

P.S. Could not find the place to describe Howard Shore soundtrack. Well you can not make the entire tip of the words "magic" and "great"! Music turned out to Shore atypical - all very gently and easily, with a great deal of French sounds. In the movie sound track Camille St-Seyesa and Erik Satie - Howard Shore is clearly inspired by the works of these classics ...
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