If you hope this is like a classic horror movie - don't waste your time
6 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't discard movies which are flawed right away - I rather try to find something to like about them. After all, it's my own time I waste - so why not enjoy it a bit while the movie lasts?

The Innkeepers, sadly, offers little to none to enjoy - even if you're trying really hard... The more it went on, the more I was disappointed and annoyed.

I didn't expect this to be a gore feast, and in my opinion a good horror movie doesn't have to be that way in order to be a good movie. But this one is, like countless others have already pointed out, simply outright boring.

The characters are flat and most of the time you can see the actors shine through their roles. You just realize you're looking at people trying to act, and that's never a good thing in a movie, no matter how good the rest of it is (making things even worse if the film itself is bad enough). The girl is cute and the guy occasionally funny - but for 90mins this is more than too weak to carry the plot etc...

Another reviewer pointed out that the movie keeps to be unpredictable, carries you to places where you didn't expect the scenes to end and doesn't rely on cheap scares. Well, to be honest, the EXACT OPPOSITE is the case. When a potentially scary scene begins, you will definitely know it minutes before. You will also know how the scene will end, and after it's done you realize: yes, having an empty beer can fall down the stairs with loud rumpus IS nothing but a cheap predictable scare. (Don't get me wrong: There's nothing wrong with a few fake alarms at the beginning to get your blood pressure up (the beer can example is at the end, though). But you need something to top that, if you don't have anything, it will simply leave a bad taste...)

There is no plot. There is no development whatsoever. When you see Claire close the basement doors with chain and padlock you can actually stop watching the whole thing as the end is so predictable it insults your intelligence...

I really looked in all places to find anything to like about this one, and apart from the sad male statement that the female lead is cute, there's is really next to nothing to find.

No plot. No acting. No suspense. No scares.

Just a sad attempt at doing it "the old way" (without cgi and lots of body parts flying around) - which is honorable, but, quite frankly, simply far from enough to recommend this one to anyone above 11 years who had time to watch something that passed the "trying"-level...

Like Frank Zappa once said: "There's always a girl who twists her ankle on the behalf of a little monster in an ice-cream cone." This is it. Just without that b/w b-movie charm.

Stupid characters make stupid decisions in a horror movie in which nothing happens.
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