A nostalgic gem of clean comedy
2 February 2012
This is one of those movies that I remember seeing when I was a kid. It was old fashioned slap-stick that made us goofy pre-teens laugh our butts off. I have always loved Tim Conway, and this is one of his prime examples of comic genius. Tim is fantastic with his timing and those goofy looks on his face. You know what's coming next, but you don't care because you know it will be funny, whatever it is. The part I remember the most is when he and his partner are dressed as a man and a woman and they have some kind of can that they're carrying that has something to do with them getting out of prison, I'm not sure how. Tim keeps yelling "My wife! The can!" and the host of the party keeps telling him that the bathroom is in the house. I love this movie for the good laughs but even more for the memories of that time in my life. Me and my buddies going to the movies, yuckin' it up and not caring about a thing in the world.
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