NOT "Trying to Cash In on Puss In Boots"
16 March 2012
So, just to start... this movie is obviously not the newer Puss In Boots that was attached to the Shrek movie franchise. This is a whole different movie and, not, as some on here would have you believe, trying to cash in on the Shrek movie... mostly because this movie came out two years before the Shrek movie.

That said, this is an odd film. My kids turned it on via Netflix streaming and when I joined them for a minute, I couldn't turn away.

For starters, you can tell it's Shatner doing the voice of Puss quite easily, so there's a little mind eff going on almost immediately. The way he carries himself, you expect him to break into Rocket Man at any moment.

Then, the animation is a little, um, different. It really looks like the very non-fluid movement that you see in the Korean news animations that have become popular lately, but with better developed characters. Plus, it's not that the characters are "dirty" or anything, but, you do see a little more cleavage than you would in, say, a Disney flick... or a Shrek or any other US created movie.

The story is also a bit more, um, European, I guess. It's hard to describe. Growing up watching US cartoons, you don't realize how weird some of the old fairy tales really are in their original form. This story is more like the old stories and has some visual elements that would probably be really enjoyable if you were on various mind-altering substances.

All that in mind, the kids ate it up and actually ended up watching it again the next day. So, give it a watch, be prepared for the weird, and use your friggin' head when you think it's a "rip off" of something that came out two years later.
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